And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.  Ephesians 4:26-27, NLT

What makes you mad? In an article about 20 years ago called, “The New Angries,” Mr. Maddocks wrote: “Everybody—and I do mean everybody—is mad and simply won’t take it anymore, least of all from one another.” He adds, “If the ‘90s became the decade of anger, as the ’80s became the decade of greed, it will not be because of violent and visible militants. It will be because of the New Angries.” Maddocks goes on to explain that these are people who equate anger with honesty, and they see a full and free expression of wrath as the means to mental and physical health.

You mean people are angry? Don’t you just have to scan your facebook feed? Everything from traffic jams to interpersonal conflicts and now very current is the political race for the presidency of the USA is self evident – and it is an unhealthy trend because anger can be destructive—to health, relationships, and institutions.

Of course not all anger is wrong. The Bible says, “Don’t sin by letting anger control you,” and Jesus expressed anger at the hypocritical Pharisees and the moneychangers in the Temple. The issue is what makes us mad? Clearly there is a place for what we call “righteous indignation.” We should be angry about sin and injustice in the world. Anger should motivate us to righteous action, to make things right, rather than self-righteousness or unrighteousness.

But too often, we lose our temper over things that are small, insignificant, and inconsequential: traffic, slow-moving check-out lines, trampled grass, noisy children, poor service.

What makes you mad? Don’t waste your energy yelling and honking your horn at the guy who just cut you off. Rather, focus your emotions and time on what is truly important because anger can be a destructive fire.

Paul said, “For as long as it depends on you, live at peace with men.” And, ask God to help you control your temper SO THAT you can exercise love instead.

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Don's BibleTalkOnline Blog

My name is Don Hooton. I am a disciple of Jesus; Husband, Father and Grandfather. I preach the gospel of Jesus. And I would love to share the gospel with you.