Jesus never intended His followers to live their lives in isolation from each other. When they went spreading the word, they went two-by-two or small teams. He described their relationships as “family” and told them to look out for “your brother.” Life with Christ was always intended to be a life together.

This same emphasis is continued in the rest of the New Testament where His followers are called the household of God and urged to bear each other’s burdens. We can’t do it by ourselves because we were never intended to do it by ourselves.

In the New Testament, there are over 60 passages that speak of blessings and responsibilities with “one another” or “each other.”  Here are three:

  1. John 15:17 — “This I command you, that you love one another.”
  2. Romans 14:19 — “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.”
  3. Philippians 2:3 — “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves…”

As a Christian, you are not intended to “go solo” or “be an island.”  Jesus calls us to belong and to love, to build up and to regard each other with importance. So “join yourself to a band of disciples” like Paul did (Acts 9:26) and experience the real “one another” of fellowship in the Savior. Your life in Christ did begin with Him. Yet, because He commands it to be, your life in Christ is only made full when you are in fellowship with other Christians.

Today, make your Life in Christ a life together.

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