Though some say differently, I believe there are references in Scripture that harmonize with what little or much we think we know about what is called Dinosaurs. Viewing depictions of them, like seeing drawings of other magnificent creations not seen by own eye, open our eyes to the magnificence of God’s creation. In Genesis, we read of God’s remarkable work during six days of creation. Though the term “dinosaur” may not be explicitly mentioned there or elsewhere, the Bible provides glimpses of awe-inspiring creatures like Behemoth and Leviathan, which some scholars believe could be references to dinosaurs or other formidable creatures of ancient times.
Did God Create Dinosaurs? Some Christians argue dinosaurs could not have existed because God would not create such creatures that could wreak havoc upon human civilization. He created the elements that generate hurricanes, volcanos and tornados. Plus, God appointed by divine fiat a fish large enough to swallow the prophet Jonah. Although no one would want to be ripped apart by a T-Rex, spending several days digesting in the belly of a sea creature doesn’t sound like a great way to go either (Jonah 1:17). And with the enormous data what has been unearthed, we would have to yield to the possibility, if not the reality, that if God created all things, He created Dinosaurs.
“So, God created the large sea-creatures and every living creature that moves and swarms in the water, according to their kinds. He also created every winged creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:21).
Are Dinosaurs in the Bible? Some place them before Adam and Eve – but death did not enter into the world until Genesis 3. Some allow them before Noah but say that dinosaurs were too big, or there were too many of them, to go on Noah’s Ark. However, there are few kinds though hundreds of names have been given to small bits of bones. The different sizes, varieties, and sexes of the same kind of dinosaur have ended up with different names just like our dogs, all sorts of them but the same kind! In reality, there may have been fewer than 50 kinds of dinosaurs. God sent two of every (seven of some) land animal into the Ark (Genesis 7:2–3; 7:8–9)—there were no exceptions. Therefore, dinosaurs must have been on the Ark. All others, like the other animals, drowned as raging water covered the land (Genesis 7:11–12, 19). Like Pompeii, the sudden event buried in rock layers (formed from this mud) but in the flood, it was all over the Earth.
But what evidence of them in the Bible? The creatures found in Job are hardly a present creature – except by hideous hyperbole – and best fit the description of a form of dinosaur.
First, there is Behemoth (Job 40:15-24). In Job, this creature is described as having a tail like cedar and an herbivore diet. It also says this colossal beast had large bones like beams of bronze. From the portrayal in those verses, it seems as though the passage indicates a creature similar to a diplodocus. Some commentators try to say God had described a hippopotamus in this passage, but the depiction doesn’t seem to match up. Hippos, for instance, don’t have tails like cedars.
Second, there is Leviathan (Job 41). By the next chapter, another creature is reported which some theologians have labeled a crocodile. However, once one hears the features of the leviathan, it doesn’t appear to add up. The leviathan seems to have armor-plated skin that no hook can pierce. Like the behemoth, the author makes note of the strong limbs this animal possesses. Psalm 104:26 indicates the leviathan lived in water, which could point to why some people say it’s a crocodile. And Isaiah 27:1 describes the leviathan as a twisting serpent: “In that day the Lord with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea.” These may align with a crocodile, but Job (Job 41:18-19) seems to indicate this creature literally breathed fire. Crocodiles and other similar reptiles have not been known to breathe fire. This may indicate a dragon-like species existed during Job’s time.
Even though the exact purpose for which God created dinosaurs may elude us, it is difficult to deny the evidence that they once roamed the Earth. Their existence leaves an indelible mark on the geological record, their fossilized remains testifying to a time long past. As Christians, we are reminded of the vastness of God’s creation, stretching far beyond our comprehension. While we may not fully grasp it all, their presence serves as a testament to His infinite creativity and power. We should embrace the wonder of these ancient creatures, acknowledging that they were a part of the intricate tapestry woven by our Creator.
By Don Hooton
The Bible, Dinosaurs and Me.
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Don's BibleTalkOnline Blog
My name is Don Hooton. I am a disciple of Jesus; Husband, Father and Grandfather. I preach the gospel of Jesus. And I would love to share the gospel with you. View all posts by Don's BibleTalkOnline Blog