So, let’s get F.A.T. again!

In 2005, I asked everyone the rude question, “how F.A.T. are you?” Of course, I was not trying to be insensitive or indicating failure on a weight loss plan, but it was to draw attention to a resolution anacronym for the year – “Get F.A.T in 2005”.  Well, so just how F.A.T. are we?

How faithful are we?  We sometimes talk about the “faithful” car we drive, the “trusty” knife we bring along or the “trusty” steed we ride.  And in those contexts, we know what faithful means. They are dependable, reliable and there when we need them. So, we too could ask that of ourselves with our spiritual family. If our cars were as “faithful” and our knives as “trusty” as we are, would anyone keep us? How “faithful” are we with God? How “faithfully” are we serving God? How “faithfully” are we participating in the fellowship to which we belong?

God made the world without our input (Colossians 1:16); He maintains the world without our help (17); How very little can we help – ultimately (Acts 17:25).  He does not need our dependability for His life. We are the ones who need Him. But also, we need each other. Our faithfulness to God is manifested in our very own faithfulness to each other. John says, “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments” (1John 5:2). And even in Hebrews, the writer say, “and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near” (10:24-25).  So, how well are we doing at being faithful?

Are we getting F.A.T.?

How active are we?  Again, if a computer virus would be as active as we are in our spiritual world, would McAfee have a business? Of course, we are busy in many things: Our kid’s activities, our business building, our personal travels – just to name a few (and none of these are inherently wrong). But here we are at the beginning of the year that will eventually be the “There is so much to do and so little time” year – all over again.

But we need to be active in spiritual activities! If those kid’s activities help make them a complete person as we often justify, how much more will your kid’s become fuller people when they know God and his word. How can we win the world for Jesus when we can’t get the world to see Jesus coming first in us (Matthew 6:33)? Our kids, our jobs and our travels should not drive our every moment. God should. Yet we often tire easily because of these earthy things and lose energy to be active in the Kingdom.  “You are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.” (1Thessalonians 5:5-6).  Just how well are we doing at being active?

Are we getting F.A.T.?

Last, how teachable are we?  If our children would learn like we do, what would their progress reports show? It is not just about how often we read the Bible, even though that is included. It’s about what we learn. Are we memorizing facts and forgetting them when we leave? Are we dressing for battle with the teacher or listening to learn? What is it that ignites our teachability? It is wanting to prove what we already believe, that is merely self-interest.  However, if it is wanting to find Divine truth, that’s discipleship.  So we ask, just how well are we doing at being teachable?

Are we getting F.A.T.?

There’s still time.  And by grace, there is always hope.  So, while physical scales may remind us we are still heavier than we want to be, grace still teaches us to deny ungodliness and still to be ever “zealous for good deeds” (Titus 2:11-14). Please, don’t hesitate a moment. Get F.A.T. today!!!

by Don Hooton

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Don's BibleTalkOnline Blog

My name is Don Hooton. I am a disciple of Jesus; Husband, Father and Grandfather. I preach the gospel of Jesus. And I would love to share the gospel with you.